Legenda o lietajúcom cypriánovi

Legend of flying Cyprian

Slovacchia / 2010 / 108 min / Colour

Italian premiere

An ancient legend narrates that a long time ago, a mysterious monk, inventor, doctor and herbalist, master of the sciences and a thousand crafts, lived in a monastery in the mountains. His name was Cyprian. The people said that he had built a flying machine and that with it, one day, he had flown up to God. Cyprian really did live in the eighteenth century in the Red Monastery, in the Slovenian mountains. There the Camaldolese monks lived their tranquil, repetitive lives, forget- ting that the world outside their monastery was changing. One rainy day they found a half-dead man at their gate. They took care of him and he decided to remain. They called him Cyprian. But who was this mysterious man, with bloodied hands and a dark past, full of love and death? And who led him to a place where sins are redeemed by miracles? 


    Language Slovak Subject Mariana CÄ›ngel Solčanská Screenplay Mariana CÄ›ngel Solčanská Cinematography Ramunas Greičius, Štefan Bučka Sound Martin Merc Editing Ondrej Azor Music Vladimír Martinka Main cast Marko Igonda, Alexander Domogarov, Pawel Malaszynski, Radek Brzobohatý, Karolina Kominek, Rafal Fudalej Producer Eduard CÄ›ngel   Production company Magic Seven Slovakia, Ltd. 


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