Daughters of wisdom

Bari Pearlman / United States / 2007 / 68 min / Colour

An intimate portrait of the nuns of Kala Rongo, a solely female Buddhist monastery in Nangchen, a remote rural region in northeast Tibet. These nuns receive a religious and cultural education that was once inaccessible to women, and carry out a role without prece- dent in the protection and continuation of their rich cultural inheritance. In an extraordinarily natural way, the nuns allow Bari Pearlman’s cameras to bring to the screen a previously unseen portrait of their vibrant spiritual community and extraordinary lives. Some are timid, others enthusiastic, but all are united by the difficult life they have chosen, far from their families’ farms and villages. This is the story of a spiritual community that just twenty years ago could not have existed, but that is now growing larger by the day. 

  • ffdl director

    Bari Pearlman


Language Tibetan Dialect Cinematography Gena Konstantinakos Editing Carla Ruff Producer Bari Pearlman Production company BTG Productions 


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